Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's Free...

We've just released into the wild a Free version of Droid Invasion! It's supported by ads so you'll notice an ad banner at the top of the screen. We tried to be as unobtrusive as possible and the ad actually gives way to the stacks of Droids when they get into that area. We really hope you enjoy it. If you or your friends have an android device but have been sitting on the fence because you don't like paying for apps, now we have something for you to try. And if you like what you get, consider clicking on one of the ads that come up!

If may take a couple hours for the ad to show up in the market but if it's not up when you check, it'll be up soon.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Marketing begins

After a couple great weeks with Droid Invasion on the Android Market and Amazon Appstore we've found the exposure for our app hasn't gotten much beyond our groups of friends so it's time to take our message to the streets, well the virtual streets, of Facebook. Today began our first foray into advertising with a Facebook Ad targeted to people who have shown interest in different Android devices. Hopefully this pays off in the long run as we get some more exposure for our app.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


The first update to Droid Invasion went out last night. A few minor things and a new Easy mode to slow things down a bit for beginners and kids.

What's in this version:
  1. Added a confirm dialog to the Back Button so you don't accidentally exit.
  2. Added High Score to Settings so you can find it any time.
  3. Added in-game notification of high score so you know when you've achieved it before the game ends.
  4. Added a new Easy mode, configurable in Settings.
  5. Made mute menu button more interactive and save mute setting.
Let us know what you think!

- The Droid Invasion Team

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Droid Invasion comes to Amazon

If you prefer the Amazon Appstore for Android (or just abundant amounts of alliteration) you can now find Droid Invasion there as well.

The price is the same and we find the description they put up amusing. They took some things we wrote and added some of their own thoughts and impressions. Overall we're pretty happy with the Amazon experience. They took longer (about a week) to make Droid Invasion available but they also went through and tested to make sure it worked as it should on a wide array of devices. Or so I've read anyway, we didn't really get any feedback through the process but then again we always test pretty extensively in house.

A note to the DI insiders: expect an update in the next couple days. Nothing major but a few updates we know the fans will enjoy.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Page 25!

Thanks to your downloads and great reviews Droid Invasion is currently up to Page 25 in the Android Market in our category, Games: Arcade & Action.That is a really good start for a game only a few days old and it's all thanks to our fans and friends.

Keep the support coming and don't forget to tell your friends about us. We'll keep you updated as we move up the rankings. I don't think the next challenger "PopPop - Balloons a Poppin" will last long against the Droid Invasion.

And amid all the excitement of our first release version we haven't stopped working. The first update is already moving forward so if you have suggestions for us post them up, we'll try to get to them all in time. We really do appreciate any feedback you have so things you love, things that annoy you- let us know.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thanks Everybody (and please write us a review if you can)

We really want to thank everybody for all the support you've shown for DI! It would be huge if everybody who purchased could take one more step and give us a rating in the Android Market.

Droid Invasion - Android Market

(just select the second tab: User Reviews then the button: Write a Review )

Or open the Market on your phone, select Droid Invasion from the list of My apps and give us 5 stars!


-The Droid Invasion Team

Friday, April 1, 2011

This Just In...

We're one of the Just In apps in the Android Market for Games > Arcade and Action!

Droid Invasion now available on Android Market

OK Droid Invasion fans! It's with great pride that we announce Droid Invasion is available on the Android Market.

Droid Invasion - Download Today!

So what are you doing here reading? Go download today and start smashing some Droids. And don't forget to come back to let us know what you think!

- The Droid Invasion Team

PS- Thanks to family and friends for putting up with us while we were pressing to get this delivered. We appreciate it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

T-minus 3 days and counting

The countdown to our first release of Droid Invasion to the Google Android Market continues. We're mostly wrapping up some loose ends and putting on the final coat of paint. With any luck we'll have a link for you on Friday, April 1 to purchase your very own copy!

The Droid Invasion team is very excited! Keep your fingers crossed all goes as planned and we can share our excitement with you on Friday.

And be sure to visit our Facebook page here, and drop a Like on us:

- Ferguson

Even newer-er screenshots...

Some feedback referencing Vampire Wedding Invitations led to a slight redesign of the splash screen / background combo. Let us know what you think!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Droid Invasion is Coming...

The first release of our first game Droid Invasion is scheduled to drop April 1st. No joke.

I have some of the first screen shots so I thought I'd share them here first:

Splash Screen

New Game

Level 4

About to lose

New High Score

As we get closer to the drop we'll update where you can pick up a copy for your very own!
